Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Choosing My Battles

Tonight my wife and I were talking about a number of events that are happening here and abroad. I have been seeking to get involved in issues that are important to me. Choosing what battles to become engaged in is not always easy. There's only so much that an individual person can do. It takes much thought, guidance, and counseling to pick the ones that we believe are important.

I'm preparing to speak to my church family about transgender basics (Transgender 101) in June during pride month. It will be a good time to educate folks about what it is to be transgender. This is greatly needed in the church and outside the church. I have made it a personal mission to educate people that transgender people front and center during the famous Stonewall Riots in 1969 in New York City. It seems that some want to erase our participation in this historical event. I'm not going to let that happen.

Another battle I will be active in is seeing that the Gender Employment Non-Discrimination Act in New York State comes for a vote this year. It's been on the docket for over a decade and I'm tired of all the excuses and oversights on why it has not passed. I'm still doing my homework on which organization to become involved with about this. Well, these are just three battles that I will be actively involved in.I will keep you posted on how things are working out.

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