Monday, October 31, 2005

One question that inevitably comes up is will I transition? I will not transition because I love being a male. While I have been learning what transitioning invlved, being a crossdresser is not easy either. We are not accepted by society, face bigotry and violence and seek the same rights as gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Even in the trans community, crossdressers are hard to categorize. In spite of some debate about our role, the thing to remember is we are in the same boat. Another issue is coming out to family, friends, and coworkers.

We as a community should try to understand where each other is coming from. We need to respect and value the other person as a unique individual. I love the fact that I am a crossdresser and am not ashamed of it. I admire those who make that choice to transition because they are taking a huge step to becoming their true selves. We as a community should be happy about our uniquesness and work to build positive relationships with all people in the transgender community. Remember, we are in this together, and we need each other for support.

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