Saturday, June 13, 2020


Two black transgender women were murdered in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Now President Trump has overturned protections for transgender people against sex health care. It's bad enough that transgender people in many cases do not seek medical care because of the fear of mistreatment or worse, no treatment. What the government is doing is defending the strict binary system already in place. 

Transgender people are being denied participation in school athletics, service in the military, access to public accommodations in some cases, and denial of employment and housing. Roger Severino, head of the Hospital and Health Services states that transgender people are protected by other statutes that bar discrimination in health care. What I would ask Mr. Severino is why does he assert that transgender people are protected under existing statutes when transgender people, legitimately so, fear mistreatment. I know people who have been mistreated. 

I would also ask how my being transgender affects your religious convictions. Am I one of God's creations? Does God love me any less? I have been a born again Christian much longer than I've been out as transgender. Treating someone different because they aren't like them is showing partiality which is clearly spoken against in scripture. 

I am disappointed with this but not defeated. There will be lawsuits. I'm concerned about my trans brothers and sisters. Yet, I will be in the fight to see this action defeated. 

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