Thursday, August 27, 2020


I fail to see how people can say that trans people are a threat to women and children. The right talks about treating everyone the same and yet discriminate against us. I know that my chromosomes say that I am male. There's much more to me than my chromosomes. I think, feel, chose to identify how I feel. Society cannot dictate how I or anyone else should express his/herself. 

We are of all races, genders, sexualities, and political persuasions. Maybe it was a trans or non-conforming person who said the only kind word you heard all day. They may have given you directions, made your lunch, or served you coffee. We may have created some of the things you may use. 

I wish I could have been at the Republican convention and shared my story. I may not change any minds but they will know that I'm a flesh and blood person who wants the best for everybody. My trans brothers and sisters should not be the target of wrath and murder and being made invisible. It says in the bible if one member hurts then everybody hurts. This is not conjecture but fact.

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