Monday, December 31, 2012


If I could sum up 2012, I would conclude that it was a year of revelation, growth, and challenge. I came out to my faith community and my neighborhood. I educated many folks about what it is to be transgender and the concerns of transgender People as a group. I also saw the challenges we face in a clear and concise way.

During gay pride month in June I came out to my church family. Some were surprised but the response was overwhelmingly supportive. It was the first time my wife went out with me when I was Gennee. We met many LGBTQI men and women from other churches. The mixer that was given helped open door and established connections.

In October and November a journalism grad student interviewed my wife and me. I shared the video with friends and received positive responses. Keeping up with the issues and topics concerning transgender people was challenging. Much happened in 2012 and more will happen in the coming year. I invited a transgender woman who I met at Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremonies to church. Now Michelle is a regular.

Looking back, 2012 was a year of growth emotionally and spiritually. I met some wonderful folks and made some good friends.  In my next post I will share some goals I have in mind for 2013.


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