Friday, March 26, 2010

Educating My Granddaughter

My heart fills with joy whenever my son brings my granddaughter over. Starlett is a very happy baby who has brought much delight to mine and my wife's heart.

Today my son and I were talking about a number of things. I have thought about Starlett's future. What happens if she realizes that she is different? I have no way of knowing if she will be lesbian, transgender, gender queer, bi, or another gender variant expression. I told my son that if she is that I would be there for Starlett.

What is in my favor is that he and his girlfriend know and accept my being transgender. I am open with them, wearing skirts and camisoles in their presence. This is what I desire to teach Starlett. I hope that when she is older she will be taught to love and accept others as they are unconditionally, regardless of their sexuality/gender expression.



Tim said...

Dearest Genevieve, how blessed Starlett is to have accepting parents and your example. She will not have to wait to learn to love people of every diversity, because she's already experiencing that love. And whatever road lays before her, she will be confident and content to accept it because of her parents and you. Would that all children were so privileged!

Blessings--and thank you for filling my heart with such pride and joy!


genevieve said...

Thank you for your kind words, Tim.

Anonymous said...

Very shorts, simple and easy to understand, bet some more comments from your side would be great