Monday, February 22, 2010

Transgenderism Taught Me Patience

One virtue that I've learned as a transgender person is patience. Everything isn't going to drop into my lap nor is my experiences going to move me in a linear path.

I'm thankful that my journey has had few bumps. Having had no previous experience with dressing up or what is transgender perhaps spared me of the pain and shame many have needlessly suffered from society's bigotry. Once I discovered my transgenderism I wanted everything to happen to me right away.

As I quickly learned the journey is long and slow. It revealed numerous feelings to me that I never knew that I felt. If anything, my being transgender helped to reveal my true feelings. Sharing them is something that has never been easy for me.

Patience has helped me to listen and to encourage others in our community. In the process I have been encouraged by many.


1 comment:

human about said...

Patience should has no limits and always in heart. Great blog, I added u in my link list, would u add me too. Thanx