Friday, January 31, 2025
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Donald Trump put a halt on all federal funding. It is being done under the pretense of saving taxpayers money on "wasteful spending." This will affect non profits, services for senior citizens, etc. In my view all the money he wants to save
He also will not allow transgender people to join the armed forces. Trans people will be discharged from the service. This stings because I'm a veteran who served in the 1970s (long before I came out as transgender.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Now that Donald Trump is doing whatever to shut trans people out from the public arena. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg says we are "mentally ill" and "freaks." We, like other marginalized people in the past are being targeted, blaming us for the country's ills.
In my view this is being used to divert the public's attention from what Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and their billionaire cronies are doing to take over running the country. I'm reading between the lines.
Some of my friends are fearful of what will happen. I'm concerned about what will happen to us if we cannot access the services that we need. I am mindful of folks in rural areas who may not have access to services or are not out to family or friends.
This is the time we must stand strong. If it's not safe where you are, I understand. Your safety is important. I will do what I can to be visible. I want to find some place trans issues are being addressed. This is a critical time for the LGBTQ community as a whole, and trans people in particular.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Monday, January 20, 2025
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Thursday, January 16, 2025
It's going to be an interesting four years. The attacks against trans people have ramped up, if today's hearings are an indication.
I'm looking for someplace I can be involved in standing up for trans people. I'm also a senior citizen and a veteran. There's much at stake as the new administration comes in. I will do whatever I can to be involved. I can't sit idly while we are being threatened and trashed.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Watching the wildfires devastate many Los Angeles communities, there are t people who are doing everything to help their neighbors. Food. Lodging. Medical care. Counseling (will need plenty of this in the coming weeks).
I correspond with a few people in the LA area. Thankfully, they are far away from the fires. Sadly, at 24 people have lost their lives. Many pets have died also.
I pray for Los Angeles and the people who are affected. Do whatever you can to help.
Friday, January 10, 2025
By you living your authentic life, you may be be encouraging someone who is struggling.