Saturday, February 12, 2022


I know a few folks who were at a crossroads in life. It was choice between ending their lives and being the people that they are. I'm happy that they chose the latter. Now they are living wonderful lives. 

Choosing to live life as a transgender woman has been a blessing. I was at a crossroads one time almost 17 years ago. I realized that I was a crossdresser (at that time) and I enjoyed wearing women's clothing. I couldn't go back to my previous life. I couldn't stay where I was-in denial. That was like being on a torture rack. The day came when I came out as Genevieve.

It took a year for me to be comfortable in my own skin. Since then I haven't looked back. The people I mentioned (didn't mention their names) in the first paragraph have blessed my life, and I hope mine has done the same. 

I have reached numerous crossroads. I have been nudged forward, knowing that better things await me. 

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