Saturday, May 15, 2021


There are people who don't want trans youth to participate in school sports. This is specifically trans girls. I've heard nothing regarding trans men. I listen to the way opponents frame the subject. They refer to tans girls as biological males. Aren't trans men biological females? What's the point?

What I definitely see is that many folks still haven't a clue about who trans people are and what we are about. The lockdown didn't help matters any as many trans people have been isolated from the people and activities they enjoy. Keeping them from participating in school sports only adds to that isolation.

I'm happy that parents of trans children are speaking up in support of their trans child(ren). Children have even testified to legislators. With a spate of anti-trans bills being presented (and passed in some cases), this will only create more problems for trans youth and, in my opinion, youth in general.

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