Saturday, January 09, 2021


Over the past four years, I have witnessed the extremes of the left and the right. Violence is violence and I don't care what kind of ribbon they try to put on it. People have been hurt, harassed, and sadly lost their lives. What have we become? 

People are fearful, lost, confused, and angry. If one is not part of a particular tribe then they consider you the enemy. The so-called 'leaders' of the nation have failed to bring peace and direction. Whatever happened to the time when people can agree to disagree without having their character ripped to shreds? 

I am praying for America. The country needs a spiritual renewal of minds and hearts. Yes, there are many concerns that do need to be dealt with. Solutions need to be found. I am an optimist because I believe that the good will prevail. I believe the majority of people want to see and help resolve climate change, hunger, homelessness, racism, sexism, and hopelessness. It has to start in each person's heart and mind. Something to think about in the coming days.

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