Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Transgender is an umbrella term of a wide spectrum of gender identity and expression. Seeing the many different expressions of gender during my questioning phase helped to understand that I could express myself however I choose. 

It's frustrating at times that the trans community is still bickering over how each person should present themselves. How they should look, speak, and act. Each person has traveled their own journey and have come to their own conclusions in their walk. I may have experienced what they have; I may not understand what they experience is about. What I do is support them wholeheartedly.

Our lives are not always easy. I am a trans senior citizen who is blessed to have a supportive and accepting spouse. Many trans women and men do not have someone to love and support them and it saddens me. If one is a senor citizen it's even harder. 

Trans people need to support each other. We need to respect one other as sisters and brothers. We need to empathetic to those who are struggling. Those people and groups who seek to harm us need to be called out PUBLICALLY!

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