Monday, January 27, 2014

Suicide A National Crisis If You're Transgender

With the suicide of Mindy Fabian in Wisconsin, I am disappointed by the lack of attention to this issue by some TGLB organizations. Along with homelessness, TGLB youth are more likely to attempt suicide. It seems that these young people have to fend for themselves. It's tough enough that school cannot be a place where they can find some stability. The problem is that many school administrators are ignorant or lack knowledge about transgender issues and many are not open to the suggestion of helping them. 

This is one area that I'm concerned about. It's very sad when society won't let transgender express who they are. Couple that with the fact they are looked upon as broken, defective, mentally ill, and not worthy of others time and effort, you have a recipe for depression, hopelessness, and suicide. 

I will be taking a keener interest in this because too many young people are struggling and need help. 

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