Tuesday, October 09, 2012


This year has gone by so fast! The elections are less than a month away, transgender day of remembrance ceremonies come up next month,  and once again Thanksgiving and Christmas will be upon us. 

2012 has been a big year for transgender people in that many communities around the country are even discussing this issue. There have been some victories, some defeats. What has been consistent in my life is the desire to share with others what being transgender is. There have been inroads in my place of worship and within the community that I live in. I have seen more trans folks here and there on the street. The trans community is largely invisible. 

I'm aware of some concerns (safety) but I cannot let that stop me. With each passing day my trans identity is being defined and refined. I sense that there will be more internal changes in the future. I am thankful for an accepting and understanding mate who has come to terms with my transgenderism. 

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