Tuesday, June 07, 2011

June- Pride and Reflection

June is pride month here in New York. There will be many parades, parties, and galas. There has been much progress over the last year. More needs to be done.

I'm being more reflective this year because there's still those who are still trying to figure it all out. I've had days this past year where new revelations were made in my own life.

The one constant out there is that there are LGBT people who need to be encouraged and affirmed. Reading about people who are struggling or coming out reaffirms my committment to participating in this endeavor. I would much rather help someone who's struggling than march in a parade.

As the month moves forward, let's remember the people who are struggling, lonely, and confused. Enjoy the successes but comfort those who may not feel any pride because of all the bigotry and discrimination.


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