Wednesday, July 23, 2008


It has been three years that I have been a crossdresser and transgender woman. The experience has been wonderful. Having come out in my fifties I'm still discovering much about what it is to be a transgender woman. I am also gaining the understanding that there are many issues that will affect all my transgender brothers and sisters. It is why I am seeking to become more involved with transgender issues.

Over the past few weeks I have been comtemplative as to where all this will lead. I am convinced that much of things done against transgender people are wrong. It doesn't matter if it's a company, church or landlord. I have been following events all over the country as much as possible and there's certainly much that needs to be done. I already belong to two groups and am looking to be even more involved.

I love dressing and I love where I am personally so far. Deep inside I knew that there would come the day that I would begin to see that this journey is much more than pleasure and social events. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them and hope to be out more. I also see that lives are at stake because the battle will not be easy. Ther's been too many lives lost to suicide and violence. There's too many of us who suffer discrimination and bigotry. Society will try to make us feel ashamed or guilty about who we are. I refuse to be ashamed of my transgender status.

I have been reading a book by Thomas Merton, a monk who finally saw the way God saw him-as His child. He was a seeker and so am I. Sometimes one has to go through things in order to be a vessel for God. I am willing to do this for transgender people. I'm seeking what the next move will be. One thing is certain- I can't go back.

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