Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day A Success

Yesterday, I traveled to Albany, New York to partake in Equality and Justice Day. I met a number of activists, advocates, and allies. A group of us met an assemblywoman who supports our causes. After lunch, there was a rally on the capital steps.  In the afternoon, I attended a workshop which is looking to push the gender employment non-discrimination act through the senate. What was brought home was the needs to voice the concerns of transgender women of color.

I listened as a high school freshman share a heart breaking story of a friend who is a transman who is bullied by others in her school. She is a cisgirl who is standing by him. I encouraged her to keep standing with him. I was encouraged by the many young people who participated in this.

This was my baptism into activism. Now I'm figuring out what to become involved in. Employment non-discrimination act the better services for TGLBQ older adults are two areas of concern for me. I was happy to have gone and look forward to going next year.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Transgender Topics Have Come To the Front

One discussion that is more frequent is the Christian vs. TGLBQI debate. I am a Christian who happens to be transgender and I find myself being drawn into this debate.

When I acknowledged being a cross dresser early in my journey, I had heard the arguments against wearing clothes of the opposite gender. Leviticus 22:5 was used to justify the prohibition. I decide to investigate this further. I came to the conclusion that God loves everyone equally regardless of gender or sexuality.

I still have yet to see a satisfactory reason why transgender people are an abomination in some Christians eyes. Christ died for my sins just like anybody whose has found salvation. He has been in my life for over four decades.How is it that people and churches can claim that they love Jesus and hate TGLBQI people.What I see is religious, social and educational  institutions having to grapple with something they never dreamed they would have to. It's happened in the past with African Americans, Native Americans, women, and immigrants so it's nothing new.

I am hopeful that changes will continue to be made, especially in places of worship. I'm my mind all of the excuses why TGLBQI shouldn't be included in places of worship, education, and social institutions aren't valid or at the worst, bogus which has been proven in many cases.  

Genevieve's Gems

The best government is that which teaches us to govern ourselves.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Poet (1749-1832)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Gender Just Is

I had difficulty sleeping a few nights back. It was a fine time for my gender to be fluid when I was wanting to sleep. As I embraced the contentment I felt in those moments, I realized how much gender permeates everything I do. I don't consciously think about, it just is.

Embracing my transness made it easy for me to proceed forward as I transitioned. I haven't had SRS surgery but I certainly have transitioned emotionally and spiritually. What was important is that I was willing to change preconceived notions I had about what gender really is.

Many of our critics are in the religious communities and their lack of knowledge is really evident. I have had to educate some about gender and the difference between gender and sexuality. I have been pointing out that we are who we are and its natural. Over the next several weeks there will be opportunities to share this.

I have been happier in the past nine years than at any time in my life. Being authentic is wonderful for the mind and body and spirit. To be anything less robs us of the joy and happiness that we can have.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Transgender Topics Discussed

Last night, my wife and I talked about TGLB issues. I shared with her that transgender people have been standing up for themselves, especially over the past two years. I shared with her how a number of TGLB organizations have thrown transgender people under the bus wen the chance to pass ordinances to protect gender non conforming and transgender people from discrimination. 

The conversation started when she asked me about the Equality & Justice Day event on April 29th. I'm really excited about going to the state capitol to fact find and meet other people. I'm even more pleased that my wife and I talked about transgender topics. 

Genevieve's Gems

To a Christian, Easter Sunday means everything, when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

~Bernhard Langer, Athlete (b.1957)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Much Has Changed

I took this picture last Thursday on 42nd Street in Times Square. Forty years ago this was the red light district. Today, 42nd Street is malls, theaters, a wax museum and souvenir shops. It's more family friendly. 

As I stood there surveying the modern acoustics, I thought of many changes in my life. There was the tearing down of the old,  the inner struggles that I went through, then finally liberation. Change is difficult but necessary. Gentrification has changed the face of the city. I'm not against replaying old decrepit structures but it seems that the city has lost its soul. My own personal transformation has been similar but I have been more in tune with other people's feelings and concerns as well as my own. This is where I have felt the most change.

I'm a much happier individual with the changes made. I know more changes will come. Sometimes the old will rise up in us wanting us to go back to the place we once were; but the fact is that we can never go back. Forty Second Street reminds me of this fact.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Genevieve's Gems

You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.

~George Burns, Comedian (1896-1996)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Trans Women's Group

Tonight I attended trans women group meeting at the SAGE Center tonight for the second time. I met  two old friends there who I've known for several years. Tonight we discussed hormones and HRT. I enjoyed listening to the experiences of a number of ladies who have or are transitioning.

One of the ladies who is knowledgeable about hormones shared some valuable information with the group. I attended a similar meeting at the community center last week. I like this one much better. It's a new group, having started only a short time ago. More is being done in regards to transgender people. I believe the increased visibility of transgender topics has something to do with it.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Congratulations, Ladies!

The men's team won on  Monday. The women were even more impressive, crushing the fighting Irish of Notre Dame, 79-58. Game wasn't even close. Congratulations on a perfect championship season.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014



Final score: Uconn-60   Kentucky-54

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Tomorrow Night! April 7th


The 2014 NCAA men's basket champion will be crowned tomorrow night as the Connecticut and the Kentucky Wildcats battle in what should a very competitive game between two storied basketball institutions.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Genevieve's Gems

You are the one who determines if you want to be happy.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Attended Support Group Meeting

I attended a support group meeting tonight for the first time in a while. It used to be held once a week but now it's once a month. Discussed was the concerns about safety of transgender people. One trans woman mentioned that too much about being a victim was in the air. I agreed.

I spoke about my coming out and sharing the need to be there for each other. This really needs to be put into action. I look forward to the next meeting.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014


Many transgender people I've spoken to knew that they were a girl or a boy when they were children. Then there are those folks who are questioning their gender. The latter was my case. I never had questions about my gender before because I assumed that I was male. It was quite a revelation when the questioning phase enveloped me.

In today's society, questioning anything  is almost tantamount to treason or being a sellout or a troublemaker. If  someone didn't question that the earth was flat, many would still believe that the earth is flat. If someone did ask the difficult questions of race and class, then Martin Luther King wouldn't have out come on the scene. If I hadn't question my gender, I wouldn't be the happy and contented transgender woman I am today.

For anyone to say to someone that they are a boy when they feel and know internally that they are a girl (and vice verse) because they are suppose to be that is telling them that there's nothing that they can do about it. This type of thinking has proven to be erroneous. To make anyone conform to someone that they are not is spirit killing and damaging to one's well being. How many transgender men and women have ended their lives because of this.

Questioning is good because it causes us to assess who we really are and where we need to go. I was in my mid fifties when my gender questioning began. I love listening to children ask questions because they are curious and want to know. It should be the same way with adults. If many adults had asked questions about the issues the country faces, I believe that the world would be different. The Vietnam War ended because the people asked questions and discovered what they were being told was lies. Laws which discriminate against transgender are slowly being dismantled because people are questioning the validity of these laws. 

We all need to question the things that are wrong, whether they be in the political arena, the neighborhood or withing ourselves. In the end, solutions can be found and life will be better for everyone concerned.