Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Settled In

I mentioned in a previous post that I've hit a dry period in my life. There's a time we must journey on. Then there's a time we need to rest. I look upon dry periods in this fashion.

I was sitting in my room today when a feeling of contentment swept over me. I now identify as a transgenderist. It wasn't that I was uncomfortable in this discovery I made last June. We can believe something in our minds. It's when it penetrates our hearts that we feel contentment.

I'm reminded in the book of Exodus of the journeyings of the Israelites in the wilderness. While they had a destination to reach, they also needed time to access where they were and what lie ahead. I will resume my journey very soon. I'm thankful for the willingness to embrace every experience that's come my way. It may not always be comfortable but it's part of the process.


1 comment:

Tim said...

Genevieve, we all must find time to rest and recollect our thoughts before continuing. Even Jesus took time out to gather Himself. And perhaps that's how you should think of this--as a "time of gathering," pulling together everything you've been given to make sure nothing gets lost along the way.
