Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Luke 15:11-32

I was reading a couple of posts about the Prodigal Son. Looking at the father huggng his wayward son is a touching moment. Many words can describe the poignant scene; forgiveness, love, acceptance, and joy are some words that come to mind.
Affirmation comes to mind when I view the picture. Yes the son had spent everything he had on wanton living. The son felt shame and remorse, so much so that he was willing to be a servant. The father would have none of it. The father's affirmation of his son demonstrated his love for him. Contrast this response to that of the older son. He responded in anger upon hearing that his young brother's return.
I'm thankful for the many parents who accept and affirm their gender different children. I wish that all parents of LGBT children would affirm their differently gendered children. Note that the prodigal's father celebrated his son's return (vs. 22-24), a person's coming out should be celebrated. I'll never forget the day God affirmed me as a transgender person. Next to my salvation in Jesus, it was most liberating day I experienced.


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