Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Stepping Back

With the pride parade here in New York history, I imagine that some people are experiencing a bit of a letdown. April, May, and June were months of discovery and decisions for me personally. I having a down period at present. Haven't had one in a while. I do welcome it because it allows me to take a couple of steps back.

I've always been a person of introspection. I never was one to make fast decisions but when I make up my mind to do something I follow through. At times, I wonder where this journey will lead me? I've traveled farther than I could have imagined. Now, I'm taking the time to assess where I want to go next.

I will share my story on July 25th or 26th on the 4th anniversary of my coming out. Quite possibly I will may have crossed another road by then. To me, this is what pride is: being able to see how far we've come and where we need to go.



Paula said...

Did you ever speak to your church group?
I was wondering how that went...I was praying for you!!!

genevieve said...

It went well, Paula. Received very positive feedback and many questions were asked. I answered them as best I could.