Monday, December 22, 2008

Yesterday, I loaded a picture of a lighthouse which you see on the right. I have a small collection of lighthouses from all around the country. The first lighthouse built in America was constructed on Little Brewster Island off the coast of Massachusetts in 1716.

I chose this particular photo over a more genteel scene. This scene may describe what some of us have gone through as gender variant people. Life can toss us around like the rough waves in the photo. The beacon warns seafaring vessels of rock jetties and shallow shoals. That beacon shining out in the dark and rough seas have saved many a vessel from a watery abyss.

God has been a beacon of light for me during those dark times in life. It doesn't have to be gender concerns only. It can be illness, financial difficulties, numerous decisions that have to be made. So many things can swarm around me, threatening to drown me in confusion. When I stop and see that beacon of light in Jesus, I keep my eyes on him until I arrive in safe port.

I can think of the many times when gender confuson threatened to swallow everything dear to me. I'll never forget the day when God confirmed to me so intimately that he accepted me as I am. I have a number of highlights and goals achieved this year, but this by far was tops.

My transgender and gender variant friend, when life is topsy-turvy threatening to drown you, look up! The beacon from the lighthouse is shining, guiding you to safe and calm port.

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