Friday, December 12, 2008


Reflection can illuminate the many blessings that have been showered on us.

The holiday season has been a time of reflection for me for fifteen or twenty years now. I remember as a young person I looked forward to receiving gifts, go to parties, and a festive atmosphere. Now I just reflect on what has happened in the past year.

This year I thought quite a bit about my mom. I thought about how I was raised and the lessons that were taught to me and my younger siblings. There's the saying that no one ever really strays away from their roots and that's very true. I realize how my feminine inclinations were formulated. I enjoyed learning fashion and color schemes because I wanted to be coordinated. Some of the chores associated with women I learned to do. Cleaning house, cooking, sewing (a little bit) were chores that never phased me as a male.

I am a transgender individual today and I suspect that I was always trans. This year I was out in public quite a bit. Wearing women's clothing feels natural to me. My parents were not around when I came out as trans but I have no doubt that they would have loved me regardless. My mom respected other people's opinions even if she didn't agree with them. I remember most when she would invite people over to her home who were alone during the holidays. Many times they expressed their deep appreciation for her hospitality. This is what I'll always remember about her.

Upon reflection this is what I wish to emulate; a hospitable and friendly spirit. I think about many of my transgender brothers and sisters who may be lonely or depressed during this time. I pray that they will be reminded that they are special and appreciated. I appreciate all of you who came before me. Most of all, I thank my parents for instilling in me the values that I follow today.


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