Thursday, October 02, 2008

Ever Changing Experience

Transgender is an ever changing experience. I have crossed many roads, each one different from the one I crossed the last time. In all the traveling, I have noticed a yearning for spirituality and how it relates to being transgender. I am a born again Christian but I believe that God is moving me in a new direction.

I have been stopping at churches during the day. I stop to rest and to pray for many needs. The LGBT community is near and dear to me, especially the transgender community. I have felt so secure and at peace because God accepts me as I am. I have been dressed during these visits. Perhaps, I am honoring him by doing so.

I go out in public because there are those who for various reasons cannot. During these communes with God, it is impressed that he is looking at my heart and not what I have on. I am reminded that we don't have to doing anything in order to come to Him. I am appalled when I hear about LGBT people having to 'get right' before they can come to church. This is NOT the way Jesus did it. He met people where they were.

I believe that God made me this way I am for a purpose. Maybe the world doesn't understand but then God's ways are not man's ways (Isa.55:8,9). God uses and blesses people regardless of gender, race, socioeconomic status, sexuality, culture, etc. This is my heart's prayer for every person. I want Him to change me. I want other transgender people to see the Jesus that lives in me. I want everyone to know that thye are loved by God- and by me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Genevieve, what a wonderful post! I think you're right, God made us for a purpose. I think being transgender has had a positive impact on my life. I shared some of these thoughts here: Crossdressing has made me more human

I think crossdressing has made me more tolerant and loving of others.

Thanks again for your post.