Tuesday, July 30, 2024


This past Friday I celebrated my nineteenth year of transition. Looking back, there were times of frustration, joy, relief, acceptance, and completeness.  

This journey was a part of God's plan for my life. It was hidden from me for years. The belief that I was different kept me on track as to what would unfold later. Those feelings didn't bother me 24/7 which I am thankful for.  

I was most concerned if my being transgender could be reconciled with my Christian faith? The answer came back in the affirmative. I felt no guilt or shame wearing women's clothing in a church. 

The statement on my blog of 'not completely male and not completely female' is true in my case. When asked if I am male or female, I reply I'm transgender. It was case of me preferring the feminine; not hating the masculine. 

I am looking to the future to see what life will bring. I want to do much to help other LGBTQ people.  

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