Saturday, November 24, 2018


The week began at church with a community Thanksgiving dinner.  A number of folks who are struggling were fed. On Monday, it was Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremony at SAGE senior center. Thanksgiving on Thursday and the craziness that is called Black Friday(I wasn't out there).

Common threads were the range of emotions from gratitude to sympathy and celebration to madness. Another is the people who were part of this. Many have fared well. Others are still struggling. In the TGLBQI community loneliness and estrangement is magnified even more. The sense of no one caring and vilification can make daily life a living hell.

During my annual time of reflection, I think about all the tumultuous events that have happened. I am reminded that people are my fellow human beings, my neighbors. I have experienced highs and lows, lack and plenty. I am thankful to God that He has sustained and kept me up to this point. I wish the best for my neighbor whether or not I know them.  

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