Sunday, August 12, 2018


The protests by NFL players over American anthem has picked steam again. Both the protesters and the defenders are making their own talking points.

I do stand for the pledge of allegiance and have done so all my life. It's the right thing to do. I am a veteran who served during the Vietnam era when it wasn't popular to be in the military. I have several American flags in my home. I am also black.

I possibly would get some push back because of my position. America is the only country I have known. When I see protesters burning the flag, it disgusts me. Yes, there are problems that must be dealt with. I strongly believe that folks on both sides must put their anger away and start finding solutions to the country's ills. I would love to talk with the people who don't recite the pledge and find out their reasoning for their acts.

People who come to America and become citizens have the advantage of having lived in one place and finding America the land of opportunity. There are people who do not believe that they are part of America's tapestry. Reasons seem to vary.

Though I don't agree with the kneeling, they have the right to do it. America is the land of opportunity and I encourage people to seek them out. It's the only place I know where one will have that chance. To me that says a lot.

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