Thursday, January 25, 2018


One of my mantras is 'let no else define who you are'. In today's cookie cutter world, we are bombarded with ads about what to wear, what you should look like, how we should act. Whatever happened to the day when originality was priceless.

I remember growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, I could tell you what model an auto was even from two or three blocks away. Each car had its own style. It could be tail fins, or white wall tires, or the way the auto sounded. Today, all the cars look alike. I'll take a model T over the cars we have now on the road. It may not be fast but it will be different.

As a trans person, some powers want to erase our existence, our contributions, our authenticity. We don't look or act like the so-called norm says we should. So-called "Christians" say we are sinners, abominable, perverts. They would try to define me but they don't even know me. I am creative person, parent, spouse, veteran, grandparent. I have contributed much and am still contributing. My trans sisters and brothers are also creative, gifted, and intelligent. I remind them that they are valuable. 

Always be proud of who you are. Never let others define you.  

1 comment:

Emily Shorette said...

Please take a moment to review "Emily's Virtual Rocket". ( This has reviews of transgender life, plus a critical view of Donald Trump. Here’s what I cover:

1- Donald Trump
2- international (random)
3- civil rights
4- states (random)
5- feature


Emily Shorette