Friday, May 14, 2010

Job Hunting, Receiving an Award

I have been busy seeking employment and a new place to live. I haven't written as much lately but my head buzzes with things to say. When things settle down I will be on here more often.

I will be receiving an award from my veterans group this Sunday. Dan Choi is also expected and will also receive an award. I'm debating whether or not to say a few words. Politicians were invited to the ceremony so it could be a chance to speak. I'm a little nervous about it. I'll tell how it went.



Tim said...

Congratulations on the award! You do every American proud. And prayers for your job quest and living arrangements. Everything will be all right.


genevieve said...

Thank you for your words, Tim. Theceremony ws very nice. Thanks for your prayers about employment. It does get frustrating at times.