Sunday, April 25, 2010

Talked about being Transgender With My Son

I talked about GLBT with my son. He asked a number of questions to which I was able to answer. He asked if being gay is a sin? I answered no. I shared with him that I knew that I was different all my life. I love these moments because it presents an opportunity to share that we are people, too.

We touched on topics like gays in the military, trangenderism, my wearing women's clothing, Christianity, GLBT people in the church, and numerous other topics. I'm happy that he's accepting and open about my transgenderism. He's always been perceptive about life. I hope that there will be more opportunities like this.


1 comment:

Kay & Sarah said...

That is so wonderful that you can have a serious discussion about being trans and your son listens. I wish that I had just sat my children down and talked about my dressing and being trans. I am so glad for you.
