Saturday, November 21, 2009

Transgender Day Of Remembrance

Last night I attended a vigil for Transgender Day of Remembrance. Over one hundred people attended. We marched around the block carrying candles and glowsticks. Some people on the street asked what the event was about. There was a couple of moments of silence after we completed the procession.There were a few speakers and a number of people from the audience spoke of their experiences. I spoke for a couple of minutes sharing my journey as a transgender person. I encouraged everyone to be who they are. Later on, a few folks thanked me for those encouraging words. I met a couple people that I remember from my days in a support meeting a couple of years back. We shared our experiences. One of the ladies is transitioning. I remember as a male crossdresser. One of the suggestions she had for next year is to read names of those killed. It makes the name of that person more personal. It important to attend events like these for solidarity and support.


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