Thursday, October 01, 2009

Busy, Busy

I have been busy with personal business and my computer went kaput. I'm posting this from a computer in the library. Hope to have my computer soon.

I wrote my testimony of my coming out. I'm reading it and rereading it. I may post it here. It's amazing that it's been over four years since that wonderful July day. Have also written some prose. It's not my strength but I do enjoy writing it.

I have been reading responses of those who oppose ENDA and same-sex mariage. I long believe that if someone can present compelling and solid information as to why these laws shouldn't be passed, I wish that they would do so without any preconceived notions. Unfortunately, that is not the case. There is NO reason that a group of people should be second class citizens-just because of who they are. It has become more personal to me because of the affects I've seen on people. Am I am tired of people using the bible and religion to justify their prejudices. This is something that I'm refuting right now.



Tim said...

Sorry to hear about your computer problems, Genevieve. That's always a hassle that comes from out of nowhere. But I'm glad to see your soldiering on despite the setback.

I truly hope you will post your testimony. I know I'm not alone in discovering more about your journey. And I think it would be a great help to others who are searching for a positive example like yours.

Finally, Bible-based bigotry makes a travesty of the Gospel and those who practice it will be accountable for their abuses. It's not likely we'll ever fully stop its practitioners--they've been at it for centuries--but standing up to it will help others muster the courage and backbone to do likewise. If we can't stop some from doing it, we most certainly can prevent others from being influenced by it.

Blessings and prayers for quick resolution of the computer crisis.


genevieve said...

hanks, Tim. The computer is still down.