Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reassessing My Life

January isn't over and already I see that there will more changes in my life than I imagined. When they will happen I don't know but they will happen.

Circumstances have forced me to challenge myself and really work on my home business. I need to overcome some fears I have and move ahead. My thought process will need to change. I see the same analogy in regards to how I can best utilize my talents in working for the equality of transgender people. I already write for an online magazine. The magazine has encouraged many and I'm thankful for that.

I have mentioned that transgender people will need to do things for themselves. I'm thankful for all our allies and I love them but transgender people will have to do things for ourselves. Writing is one way I can help in the fight for equality. I am a member of a couple of organizations, yet I believe that I can do more.

Part of what drives me is that much time is wasted on petty differences. Transgender Day of Remembrance demonstrates that much remains to be done. I came out in my mid fifties. I don't know how much time the Lord has given me but I want to make difference. I'm thankful for young people become active and I applaud and support their efforts. I believe that many glbt organizations have become too 'status quo'. If the protests on the passage of prop 8 is any indication, I believe that some goals and ideologies of some glbt organizations will need to be examined.

I don't know why I am writing like this but i see that 2009 is a pivotal year for transgender people. It would be a shame if in 2010 we are just an afterthought.


Monica Roberts said...

If we don't get over the racism in the GLBT community and honestly work to eradicate it, we will be an afterthought in 2009

genevieve said...

You're right about that,Monica. The failure of prop 8 reflected that.
