Monday, October 08, 2007

I have been writing in my journals about life as a transgender and some thoughts about what is happening with transgenders a a whole. I am considering for the future a book of essays about what life as a transgender is and the many changes that happen. I look at many things from a transgender perspective, though I am interested in many things.

To me, transgender is more than wearing the opposite sex's clothing and adopting the mannerisms. This is just me. Everybody has their own reasons and I do respect that. I sensed that my being transgender and a transvestite would take me deeper and deeper into the forest. I always want to learn something new and different and sometimes one has to be willing to take the plunge. Life doesn't stand still because we think it should. I take each day and each experience as it comes. I learn more about fellow sisters and brothers and about myself.

My desire is to contribute to the LGBT community. Transgender and gender variant people need to feel that they are valued and appreciated. As a senior (if you consider 59 to be senior), I want to add more to those of us who are aging. Haven't figure it out yet but I'm looking in a few things. One goal I have is to write a play or short about transgender and gender variant people who are in their sixties and older.

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