Monday, August 06, 2007

My wife and I celebrated our birthdays this past Saturday (Aug. 4th). The same day! We went out to dinner and enjoy a luscous meal of onions, chicken, yellow rice, steak, and ribs. We washed it down with pina coladas (non-alcoholic). I gave Louise a couple of pullovers (pink, white). She gave me a journal which I love. She knows I love to write.

I finished reading a book called Coming Out In Christianity. There is much debate on whether the Christian should embrace LGBT people in their congregations and pastorates. I have my thoughts on the subject which I will write about in another blog. It's has been running through my brain the past few days.

I didn't dress at all last week (too hot nad very humid). I did get to do it indoors though. There's plenty of sales going on and I hope to take advantage of them.

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