Saturday, August 03, 2024


Today I read a post from a facebook friend that reminded me about what transgender people deal with. Contrary to what some may believe, we have lives with all theconcerns and cares of everyday life. . 

Writing has opened up areas in my life that I never knew I had. the yearnings, doubts, and challenges that I face each day. I transitioned in my mid fifties as it was my time to introduce Genevieve to the world.. I am the more than the the sum of my parts. At times I can't comprehend why my life has gone this route but it is what it is. The door behind me is locked forever. I can't stay staionary in the same spot. I must keep going. 

One aspect of writing is that it will plant a seed that, at a later time, will sprout. I acknowledged that I was queer when I first came out. It was many years later that I embraced it. That act is still taking to new dimensions. I blive that gender is more fluid than I realize. I want to see where my transgender journey will lead. I'm open to anything that comes my way. 

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