Saturday, January 28, 2023


Disappointment is a part of life. We may have lost out on a job opportunity. Or our plans didn't work out the way we hope. When disappointment turns into bitterness, it's like poison to the heart. It blinds people from the opportunities that are still out there. 

It is wise to learn from our disappointments. We can't change the outcome but we can see that this won't last forever. Sometimes we may need to assess where we are and where we want to go. A car cannot run on an empty tank and neither can we. 

I am a believer in timing. Just because something did not happen now doesn't mean that it won't happen later. I didn't know that I was transgender until I was in my mid-fifties. It wasn't my time when I was younger. I say that better late than never. Looking back I'm pleased that my life turned out this way. Disappointments are appointments for a future time.

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