Monday, November 06, 2006

I got dressed up last Friday evening and wow, it was great to be out there again! I walked along the bust streets without a care in the world. I strolled through the nearly empty park, save several joggers, by the river. It was chilly but I dreesed warm. The feel of the wind on my bare legs was exhilerating. Gazing out into the harbor, I felt so comfortable being me. I am so happy that I am a transgender and a transvestite.

People laughs and scorns at us. We're called perverts, mentally ill, and faggots. Society says we aren't fit to be considered normal. My insides bubbling, I said to no one in particular "My name is Gennee! I'm a transgender and a transvestite and I'm proud of it!" That felt sooo good to get off my chest.

Yesterday, I attended a meeting of LGBT veterans. AVER, American Veterans for Equal Rights, will be marching in the Veterans Day Parade this Saturday. I will be marching as a transgender. I can't waith because this is something I have wanted to do for a while.

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