Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Gender Reassignment Surgery

A trans woman I know will have Gender Reassignment Surgery in October. Naturally, she was nervous but me and others reassured her that everything will be okay and that she has our support. 

As I thought about this I see how important GRS is for some. To me anything that will improve one's quality of life is a step in the right direction. Not all trans women have the full surgery or, in my case, will not have the surgery. I doesn't mean that I'm not transgender. Each person is different. I'm not of the school that in order to be a 'true transsexual' one must have the complete surgery. That line of thinking is erroneous and in some cases dangerous. 

The transgender community is not a homogeneous community. There is much diversity in expression and identity, something that I witnessed during my questioning phase.  This was very instrumental in my progression to where I am now.  

To those men and women who are transitioning, I wish you the best and pray that all will go well. You are on your way to being the person that you truly are. You have my support.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Film Festival

I've attended Newfest in the past and find it very enjoyable. The films are excellent and very professionally done. To get tickets and the schedule, go to:  

Genevieve's Gems

So I say to you, ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will open to you.

~Jesus Christ

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Most Active Year Coming Up

It look s like this will be the most active year of my life as a transgender person. The LGBTQI ministry at church is going and planning what we'll do this year. I also signed up for the Social Justice ministry. I'm already involved with a few other activities. 

This year I want to see things DONE! There's too much at stake for trans people and I can't sit idly by and watch all that we've accomplished taken away. Making sure that our trans history is not erased is near and dear to my heart. 

There's a few more activities I'm interested in but I don't want to spread myself too thin. It's funny but since I'm retired I'm busier now than when I was working. 

Book Club

This is the book I'm reading right now. There is a Transgender Literary Book Club at the Sage center of which me and another trans woman  will be a part of. I remember seeing this book during my early days of comig out. It was published in 2000, five years before I introduced Genevieve to the world. I just found the book today (the book club is on Thursday) so I'll read as much as I can. At least I can discuss something about the book. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Genevieve's Gems

Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.

~Napolean Hill

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bittersweet Few Weeks

The past few weeks have been bittersweet for me. I'm still smarting from the Tamara Dominguez death in Kansas City a few weeks ago. Any death of transgender people is sad but the Dominguez murder really hit me. It was inhuman and criminal. 

A friend of my sister passed also at only forty-eight years young. My sister's health aide's brother passed away at twenty. It's been a weird time to say the least. For a trans woman personal safety is an issue with the increased visibility we face. We talked about this in our discussion group last night.

All wasn't sad though. On Saturday I attended a wedding were two lesbians friends of mine married. It was a wonderful occasion for everyone. Both women had large families in attendance.  This ended the week on a positive note. 

Friday, September 11, 2015


Hard to believe it's been fourteen years.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Genevieve's Gems

The greatest trap in our lives is not success, popularly or power, but self-rejection. 

~Henri Nouwen, Clergyman (1932-1996) 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Thinking Out Loud

I know it's a good two plus months away from Transgender Day Of Remembrance ceremonies but already I'm considering how to participate this year. It's more emotional for me because of all the transgender women murdered this year, at least the ones that have been reported.

I haven't felt this way since the second year I participated. At that time, I was wondering if I could handle it emotionally. Then I came to the conclusion that I needed to go. Of course I will attend TDOR this year. There's still three months left in 2015. How many more transgender women will be killed?